From Our Chair

Board Chair Wendy Nelson shares reflections on the history, mission and vision of the Foundation.

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Mentorship Matters with Twin Cities PBS

The Carlson Family Foundation works together with the community to create opportunity, hope and a sense of belonging for every young person. With this mission in mind, the Foundation partnered with Twin Cities PBS (TPT) to produce a six-part series called Mentorship Matters, which features mentors and mentees across a variety of environments, ages and activities. The videos showcase how mentoring has made a difference in their lives.

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A statement about the death of George Floyd

We, at the Carlson Family Foundation, grieve the death of George Floyd and recognize the pain permeating our community. George Floyd’s death is emblematic of the injustice and inequity people of color face every day. This tragedy and others like it remind us why we must break down structural and systemic barriers, including racism…

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